Existing Business
我们的经济发展计划的目的是促进, retain, 加速县里所有企业的盈利增长, including expedited services for target industry sectors:
- Entrepreneurial Ventures
- Life Sciences
- Information Communication Technology
- 联邦政府承包公司和联邦设施
- Logistics & Supply Chain, Destination and Tourism Venues
- Opportunity zones and redevelopment areas
这些部门是国家战略计划的一部分,以增加已确定的增长市场, provide jobs for the county workforce, and provide space for companies to build headquarters, branch offices, or single entity locations.
需要资源或有问题,不能在我们的网站上找到它? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Michele Weatherly at MWeatherly@pwcgov.org or 703-792-5500.
你真的不需要再搜索更多的事实信息,你需要对你的业务运营做出明智的战略决策. 我们的内部工作人员每天都在更新我们的经济信息, market conditions, and how the County stacks up to other areas.
You have available at your fingertips:
- Community Profile – Key Data about the County
- Demographic data on the County workforce
- 主要雇主的商业信息,帮助你制定竞争策略,并在市场上取得成功
- Mapping Tools – remarkable and free instrument; explore the county for current company locations or for new opportunities in land development
- Comparisons – you’ve made the right choice to locate here, 只要看一眼,确认一下你做出的明智决定,把威廉王子作为你的家
- 劳动力-您自己的信息工具,以找到您需要的熟练劳动力
- We’re available to participate in ribbon-cutting; send us the details, we’ll get it on our calendar, (hyperlinks) promote it and celebrate your milestone.
- 我们每天和每周安排我们的社交媒体和新闻发布, 所以我们总是实时为你的媒体提供信息. 不要犹豫,自吹自擂,谈谈你的公司. It’s free publicity and it works!
- We also post company press releases about our County businesses on our website; send your press releases to our Marketing Director, Trevor Johnson.
在我们的数字时代,不离开你的公司或家就可以很容易地呆在网上互动. 威廉王子经济发展公司鼓励商界人士亲自或在线与同行见面! At Economic Development, 我们鼓励我们的企业利用各种形式的网络机会,增加你对新兴行业和市场趋势的了解. To that end, we partner with many groups, participate as expert spokespersons across the region, 并制作我们自己的信息,使我们的业务跟上有助于建立和发展客户群的新信息.
经济发展是威廉王子商会和弗吉尼亚州北部商会的成员, 我们鼓励企业去这两个协会寻找参与的机会. 这两个组织服务于不同的市场,如果你的业务涉及到威廉王子以外的地区,那么加入这两个组织是值得的. 我们参与并鼓励您探索的其他组织:北VA技术委员会, Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce, Potomac Officers Club, CompTIA, Consumer Technology Association, Northern Virginia Building Industry Association, Mid-Atlantic Venture Association, NOVA Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, 国际贸易妇女协会和总承包商协会.
Economic Development serves county businesses daily, and when you’re ready to grow or move to a new location; consider consulting us first. We can help you find the real estate brokers, available properties, or help with all types of relocation decisions. We have helped hundreds of companies expand here; purchase land and build their own space, or lease something new and exciting for growing companies. 当你考虑为什么选择普华永道时——考虑一下你在这里拥有什么——受过高等教育的员工队伍, 一个可靠和友好的县政府,帮助您通过搬迁/扩展过程, 位于95号和66号高速公路旁. The beauty of being beyond the mixing bowl of DC traffic, but not beyond the reach of commerce, partnering businesses, or beautiful open spaces for wonderful family life.
Expansion Incentives:
- 威廉王子经济发展机会基金-由监事会设立,以帮助保留和吸引目标行业企业. 经济发展部向BOS建议使用资金,并有一个获得资金的程序, 包括县里和你公司之间的履约协议. Funds can be used for infrastructure improvements, site prep, workforce services, and/or capital equipment purchases.
- The New Jobs Program and The Small Business New Jobs Program
- Agricultural and Forest Industries Development Fund (AFID)
- Commonwealth Opportunity Fund (COF)
- Major Eligible Employer Grant Program (MEE)
- Virginia Economic Development Incentive Grant (VEDIG)
- Virginia Investment Performance Grant (VIP)
- Virginia Enterprise zone-Job Creation Grant
- Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP)
- Virginia Enterprise zone- Real Property Investment Grant
- HubZone
- TechZone
- Foreign Trade Zone
- Direct loans for fixed-asset purchases including land
The Planning Department 有三个部门:长期规划,当前规划和分区管理. 该办公室负责制定和实施该县的综合计划, which involves reviewing development applications, supporting land use tools and policies, and acting as staff to the boards, committees, and commissions.
The Department of Development Services (DDS) is the lead development agency for Prince William County. DDS works closely with many affiliated agencies. DDS为我们的许多行业提供了快速的许可,并通过分配a来支持商业项目 County Project Manager to oversee the development process. 浏览楼宇发展网页,了解新的商业建筑及在现有楼宇内开设新业务的资料. 发展服务处有一个方便的工具,可使用电子入门网站进行远程业务: http://egeportal.pwcgov.org/CAPSite/Public/Main
DDS可以帮助您的公司解决土地开发、安全问题和分区问题. 如果你有任何关于商业重塑的问题,请联系这个部门, building, or other construction questions.